Ashley Barnard

Community Content Editor

Ashley Barnard lives in North Yorkshire and worked as a reporter for The Northern Echo and Darlington and Stockton Times for ten years, before stepping into the role of Community Content Editor. Ashley can usually be found walking in the Yorkshire Dales with her dogs, Hudson and Holly.

Ashley Barnard lives in North Yorkshire and worked as a reporter for The Northern Echo and Darlington and Stockton Times for ten years, before stepping into the role of Community Content Editor. Ashley can usually be found walking in the Yorkshire Dales with her dogs, Hudson and Holly.

Latest articles from Ashley Barnard

Launch of plans to upgrade A66 - five years ago

A DETAILED consultation to decide how to make the A66 from Scotch Corner to Cumbria a complete dual carriageway was launched by Transport Minister Chris Grayling in North Yorkshire on May 16, five years ago.